PHOENIX FIRST AID TRAINING... Raising the standard

First aid training Wiltshire Hampshire Berkshire Somerset Dorset

Cost effective First Aid Training on your premises since 1995.

Emergency First Aid at Work courses still only from £65 per person !


Call: 01980 626064 Leave a message and we will return your call.
Phoenix has been providing First aid training since 1995

CPR in actionWe can provide corporate first aid courses delivered on the customers premises, negating the need for employees to be away from their place of employment for long periods and saving costs on travel.

Our first aid courses are tailored to your individual needs. Some of our recent customers include schools, factories, shops and clubs.

First Aid for Motorcyclists available.


It is recommended by the HSE, that all first aiders carry out refresher training annually. Three hour refresher courses are available on request.

Prices: Compare our prices with other providers!

Emergency First Aid at Work.............................£65.00 per person
6 hours



Discount available for courses of over ten people..


Price includes: certificate    EFAW certificate   first aid reference manualEFAW Reference book


cuts and grazes

Helmet removal


Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)



Trips falls and breaks


Course overview

The course aims to teach candidates basic first aid skills to enable them to deal with emergency situations involving casualties tailored to their work environment. They will learn how to manage the situation, get expert help and give life saving emergency aid including CPR and use of an AED as well as how to deal with the less serious and more common daily injuries and conditions they are likely to meet in their daily working environment. Maximum number of candidates on each course: twelve.


Duration: Minimum contact time six hours.

Must be physically able to demonstrate the practical skills required to satisfy the on course assessment.

Target Audience
People working in higher hazard (see below) environments responsible for less than fifty personnel. Lone workers and people working in small groups away from their normal place of work.


On completion of the course candidates will receive an "Emergency First Aid at Work" certificate which will be valid for three years.

It is recommended by the HSE, that all first aiders carry out refresher training annually.



Health and Safety First Aid Regulations 1981
Risk assessments should be carried out to establish the level of First Aid cover required for any specific working environment. Once the level of risk is established the following table shows the suggested numbers of First Aid personnel to be available at all times people are at work, based on assessments of risk and number of workers.

Lower hazard  
e.g. shops, offices, libraries  

Fewer than 25 employees

at least one appointed person
25-50 at least one first-aider trained in EFAW

More then 50

one first-aider trained in FAW for every 100 employed (or part thereof)

Higher hazard  

e.g. light engineering and assembly work, food processing,warehousing,

extensive work with dangerous machinery or sharp instruments, construction, chemical manufacture. 


Fewer than 5

at least one appointed person


at least one first-aider trained in EFAW or FAW depending on the type of injuries that might occur.

More then 50

one first-aider trained in FAW for every 50 employed (or part thereof)

Child care up to puberty. At least one qualified paediatric first aider on site at all times.

Where there are hazards for which additional first aid skills are necessary, at least one first-aider trained in the specific emergency action.




Call, 01980 626064 (and leave a message, we will call you back) email: